• mini mi: may 24, 2006: my indirect way of saying

    Monday, June 26, 2006

    may 24, 2006: my indirect way of saying

    as of tomorrow, it will have been two years. teach for america is done. and i don't know what to say. it's momentous. it's also just another day at school, which will pass in that invisible, nothing-out-of-the-ordinary way in which days at school always pass. still, it seems like something should happen. a thunderstorm should rage in my classroom. an aurora borealis should occur. but it won't. i'd say that odds are tomorrow, my last day at Lee High School, will be pretty normal. in fact, i may even leave early.

    oh well.

    when there is no formal closing ceremony, one generally imposes some personal ritual. however, my mind is a blank. how to mark the passing? i could have at least written a few thank you notes.

    again, oh well.

    but not "oh well." tomorrow is not a shrug my shoulders and then leave sort of day. i mean, let's be honest -- i've left school at a run almost every single day for two years. but, i also always knew i would be back. and tomorrow is obviously different. there is no going back. so tomorrow, while i'm fairly certain that i'll still leave at a run, it will not be without looking back.


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