• mini mi: just realizing

    Saturday, September 30, 2006

    just realizing

    that sometimes you live out the best parts of a B movie. on thursday night, some of the folklore crew and i ventured forth in search of salsa dancing. we reached our club, but it was closed. so there we were -- standing outside in high heels and discussing what to do next when suddenly, without warning, a black car with tinted windows pulled up to our corner. the window rolled down and a man leaned out and asked, "are you guys looking for salsa dancing?"
    why yes, how fortuitous. the only way to improve this script would have been to have him ride up on a horse, wiith a cape and swinging a sword. but i suppose a black car will do. it did have tinted windows.


    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Sweet! You've discovered the salsa dancing underground! Lucky.

    10:28 PM  

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