• mini mi: anti what?

    Sunday, December 03, 2006

    anti what?

    i have a friend who constantly makes fun of god. recently, i've begun to wonder about this, because if he doesn't believe in god, why does he spend so much time making fun him/her? doesn't the reference assume existence? i think yes, unless he's actually ridiculing the people who believe, which would include myself, and i'm not sure that's particularly friendly.

    it's not that i don't find religion funny. i think it is -- hysterically contradictory and hopelessly flawed. elton john might have the right idea in fact. ban religion; it's such a useless source of conflict. still, i will err on the side of flippant, ignore religiously inspired wars, and say that without idiot believers, certain people would have no comic material. and while many have conceived of a world without god, i don't think anyone has yet conceived of a world without humor.


    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Word. People who actually devote time to their atheism puzzle the shit out of me, because to me one of the biggest perks of being an atheist is that you have lots of free time where other people have religious obligations :)

    1:09 PM  
    Blogger J. said...

    have i mentioned lately that i LOVE you?

    1:49 PM  
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Seriously. Not having religion, but being ok with not knowing the answer to those big questions about meaning is my favorite part about not going to church. I just don't think about it, and it isn't an issue. I'm pretty sure I sleep better this way.

    11:46 PM  
    Blogger J. said...

    an update: i know whom he's mocking now. he's not making fun of the the people who believe. he's taunting the MAN, who is not god or God, just the MAN.

    10:44 AM  

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