• mini mi: forget the superbowl

    Thursday, August 03, 2006

    forget the superbowl

    i found this on the Howstuffworks website. isn't it beautiful?

    Searching for Sport
    Search engines have become such an integral part of our lives that at least one organized game has evolved around this tool. In Googlewhacking, you type two words into the Google search engine in the hopes of receiving exactly one result -- a single Web page on which both of those words appear. This is a pure whack.
    It's quite a difficult task -- you need to choose two completely unrelated words or else you'll get a whole lot more than one result, but with many completely unrelated words you get zero results.

    If you achieve a pure whack, you can submit it to www.googlewhack.com, where it is posted in The Whack Stack (along with your name, or whatever you want to call yourself) for all to see. One pure whack currently in The Whack Stack is "ambidextrous scallywags."


    Blogger Alexa said...

    i don't get it. i found lots of pages with ambidextrous scallywag on it.

    11:27 AM  

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